
Players in this category include

Players in this category include: all NIF cards, with the exceptions of the high rated messi and ronaldo - monitor these cards more closely - if they are around the price estimates that i have said below then buy.2) In form cards: Personally, I dont think inform cards are the best investment option, but again similar to regular cards, early week is  Fifa Coins definitely the best time, as everyone will be selling their inform cards and there will be lots on the market.

The reason legends will drop in price is because of people opening them in packs and then selling them. For this reason i believe the best time to buy them is towards the end of the week when many people have found them in packs.4) TOTY cards: The best time and cheapest time to buy TOTY cards is on sunday when every player is in packs.

Try and pick up some cheap auction deals throughout the week as the market will be flooded with players and you should be able to find some seriously good auction bargains. Go to futbin.com and take a note of all the prices of players you may want to invest in so you know their prices before the crash and will be able to see if they have dropped and how much they have dropped by.

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