
Entire modes have been removed

The NHL numbers have stayed static for each of the past two seasons. This season, 10.7 percent of its games were decided in overtime, before the shootout. Last season, it was 10.4 percent. In 2017-17, 17.1 percent of its NHL games have been decided in a shootout, down slightly from 17.47 percent last season.The slight variations in the NHL's overtime/shootout numbers is likely related to the rules change adapted for this season, requiring teams to switch defensive ends for overtime to Cheap Fifa 17 Coins create the long-change factor which exists in the second period of regulation play.

Be A Pro mode has also taken multiple hits. You can no longer be drafted by an organization and work your way up through the ranks from lesser, ancillary leagues and into the pros. Now, you're drafted by an organization and you immediately -- and mysteriously -- make the team. I created a pro that was drafted by the Montreal Canadiens. As I played, I was as confused as to why I couldn't skip forward to my next shift automatically as I was confused by how I -- a young rookie on the periphery of the roster -- could just jump on the ice whenever I wanted. Be A Pro still has deep customization options, but it also felt hollow and half-baked.

Entire modes have been removed. EA Sports Hockey League, a multi-player online league mode that was first introduced in NHL 2009, is gone. GM Connected, an online version of the team management mode, has disappeared. There is no Season Mode, forcing players to  Buy Fifa 17 Coins   either play a season via the game's offline GM mode with team management, or as an individual player in Be a Pro. There's no Winter Classic game, which has become a famous spectacle for the NHL by bringing regular season hockey games to outdoor stadiums. http://www.fifaeasy.com/

