
You have already let your opponent

Sometimes your defenders might be out of position while the opponent is coming down on your half, if you notice a gap in your defence, instead of trying to harass the ball carrier manually, try to Fifa 16 Coins use AI contain and manually select a player and move him into the gap so its filled.

The way attacking players work in this game is that they will automaticly seek out holes in the defence, so if you let that gap stay open, a striker will rush through it and be clear on goal if he recieves a decent pass.

You have already let your opponent get infront of your box with only the back 4 to help you out, you are in NO rush to  Cheap Fifa 16 Coins get the ball back, just play it cool and keep him from scoring. Losing your head in this situation guarantees a goal against you.http://www.fifa16shop.com/

