
The fresh tender was floated a few days ago

“We could not move forward as per original plans as only one company expressed interest,” GCDA chairman N Venugopal told Express, while conceding that the selection of consultants has taken a bit of Cheap Fifa 16 Coins time.

“The fresh tender was floated a few days ago, and we expect responses from international firms this time. The tender process is likely to be completed before the end of March, and cheap fifa 17 coins the consultants are expected to return with their designs and suggestions in April.”

Apart from the playing surface, consultants need to be selected for firefighting and sewerage system upgradations. And, along with the renovation of the main venue, four training venues too have to be renovated to FIFA standards. Meanwhile, Mohammad Hanish - the Kerala Government's Nodal Officer for the project - is worried over the delay in getting the Rs 24.88 crore sanctioned for the under-17 world cup released from Fifa 16 Coins the Central Government.http://www.fifa16shop.com/

