
Past monopoly of power of the executive committee

All candidates must accept FIFA committee reviewed comprehensive review. 4, each of the FIFA must have at least one woman to the Council, in order to give women more recognition in the field of football; by promoting women to become FIFA explicit statutory objectives, to create a more diverse environment decision-making results. 5, the positions of  Buy Fifa 16 Coins the President of FIFA officials and all members of the Council, the Secretary-General, etc., must be open to the public disclosure of individual salaries.

Strengthen cash flow control. 7, enable applicable to all major UEFA, the Football Association and the effect of various good governance principles. 8, FIFA's commitment to human rights is written in the official FIFA Statutes. 9, set up a new Football Association of vested interests, by bringing together the wider football on behalf of vested interests, in order to ensure that the global football business more transparent and inclusive. Interpretation of the main points of this reform is the biggest highlight of the first is the reform FIFA in recent years appears to be verified in order to avoid corruption of FIFA events was repeated, with special emphasis on "commercial and political separation."

Past monopoly of power of the executive committee, 36 were replaced by the Council - the 36 number of directors Distribution: Asia, Africa, all seven, nine in Europe, in North America and the Caribbean, South America, all five, Oceania 3. Even if the number of  Fifa 16 Coins directors has been spread worldwide, it has been reduced to very low probability of corruption can, but also be supervised by the Council General Secretariat, described as "political" and "management" complete separation.


